Graduation Clearance Checklist

Diplomas will be mailed to you provided you have been cleared by all departments listed above. Review this page for any and all information about clearance for graduation.

Boards: Pass all board exams required for graduation by your program.

Clinical Education: Complete all requirements and paperwork.*

*AZCOM/AZCOPT Grads: All logs and evaluations must be completed in the online system and all evaluations from preceptors must be turned in to the Clinical Education Office in sufficient time to be processed before graduation. Check your Rotation Management System online to verify you have completed this work for all rotations and monitor you email for messages from Clinical Education regarding incomplete or missing requirements.

Dean/Program Director: Meet all obligations and requirements of your individual program.

Experiential Education (CPG only): Successful completion of 6 rotations.

Financial Aid: Complete mandatory exits (for anyone who received Federal or Institutional Loans while attending MWU). Student Financial Services will provide directions via email.

  1. Student Financial Services Graduation Clearance (Canvas course - all loans)
  2. Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling ( - Federal loans)
  3. ECSI Exit Interview ( - institutional loans)

Housing (if applicable): Clear with housing office.

Library: Return property and/or pay fees.

Lockers: Campus lockers emptied, locks removed, Student Services notified.

Student Accounts: Clear balances.   

Important Notes:

Your first full size wall diploma is provided at no cost. Additional full size wall diplomas may be ordered online through the Document Request Center for $50. (Additional information can be found in the Graduation Canvas Course)

Address/Phone/Email Changes should be requested online under the " my info" tab.

Final Transcripts (with degree and degree date posted) can be ordered online, via , prior to graduation by choosing the hold for degree option. Official transcripts are free until graduation after which they will be charged at $10 per transcript.

Transcripts are not final until after graduation.